The River" by Michael Neale was a comfortable read, the opening lines in the prologue really describe
how I felt about this book," it's hard to explain how a powerful story can resonate within us on so many levels, but it's often the way they speak with passion, heartache or even joy. Maybe it's the way they unknowingly reach into our hear of hearts with their words." A story that allows us to glimpse the journey that a boy takes on his way to manhood. Gabriel Clark was forever changed when he saw his father drown in the River. It changed his life forever, he became angry, and steered clear of any real challenges, instead always opting for safe and comfortable while growing up in Kansas. When he gets an opportunity to go on a trip that will allow him to face his fears, he decides that it is time to face his past in the hopes of a new future.
This book was a quick read, one that really makes the reader think. There are several spiritual messages woven into the story, and the greatest one for me had me examining how I handle my own problems. A great story for anyone who needs a bit of spiritual encouragement.
A copy of this book was provided by Booksneeze for review.All opinions are my own.
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