Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Compass ~ The Study Bible For Navigating Your Life~

The Compass Study Bible~ A Review~ The Compass Study Bible is one that I have been using for several weeks, and I must say in the beginning it was hard for me to get used to the formatting and the way it is written,(it is sort of written like a a movie script) once I got into the format though, the Bible was brought to life in a whole new way for me! I felt like I was reading a novel of sorts instead of a Bible, which is a good thing if you have trouble understanding the Bible or get bogged down in the thee's thou's and thus's that are often a part of Bible reading!  Additions to this Bible are a few reading plans that will help the user navigate the Bible including a 40 day retreat with Jesus which will allow the user to connect with Jesus, there is also a 365 days thru the whole Bible.Some other handy features include a topical guide to the notes, a topical guide to scripture, along with a few black and white maps. Overall, if your looking for a Bible that isn't just the same old same old then you might enjoy the Compass. Not my favorite, but I do like it.