A copy of this Bible was provided for review purposes.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
NKJV Bible Review
A copy of this Bible was provided for review purposes.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
The Maxwell Leadership Bible
When I decided to review this Bible I wasn't sure how it would relate to me, because I was thinking about church leadership, well this Bible is for anyone, whether you are a mother, father, teacher, coach we all have the ability to influence. First thing I noticed about this Bible is the dustjacket which is done in green and white, and this color theme is carried throughout this Bible. There is also a presentation page which makes this one perfect for gift giving. Some of the features are 21 laws of leadership,the 21 indispensable qualities of a leader, and one that I really enjoyed was the short articles and read as you go notes that encourage. Introductions to each book of the Bible point out the leaders in each book, while also providing useful information about each book of the Bible. An index of leadership issues allows the reader to find guidance on topics they may be facing.Overall The Maxwell Leadership Bible is a solid choice for anyone looking to gain insight into leadership. The NIV text is easy to read, and the print is a nice size which makes for easy reading.
A copy of this Bible was provided for review.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
NIV First -Century Study Bible
I have been looking for a new study Bible and thought the NIV First Century Study Bible might be the one for me. I will say it is different than most study Bibles that I have used because of a few of the features including the word study which pulls out significant words and provides the meaning for Bible times as well as today, I found the Hebrew writing of each of these words to be interesting. In depth book introductions provide details about the author if known, when the book was written as well as outlines which helps with understanding the structure of the book. The day in the life articles allows the user to gain what living in Bible times might have been like by providing a glimpse of people such as midwives, shepherds, and farmers. I found these articles extremely useful because it allowed me to better understand about the people of the time and what they might have experienced, not only by using text but pictures as well. Another great feature of this Bible was the color pictures that really bring the text to life. There are several other study aides included in this Bible including an in depth concordance, plenty of color maps,and an index that makes it easy to locate them. Study notes along the bottom of the pages as well as footnotes. I will admit when I first started using this Bible I was a bit overwhelmed with all the information packed inside, but not I find myself enjoying all of the added information that is provided. There is a nice presentation page that makes this Bible perfect for gift giving. While this Bible has a pretty cover it is actually all the useful information packed inside that will keep me using this Bible for years to come.
A complimentary copy of this Bible was provided for review.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
The Spirit Filled Life by Charles Stanley
I have been watching Charles Stanley on television for years and have recently started listening to his podcasts, and have always found his preaching/teaching style to be so easy to understand so when I realized that he had written The Spirit Filled Life I knew I couldn't go wrong reading it, and I was right. He writes just the same way he speaks, in an easy to understand style that not only shares his ideas but uses scripture verses to back up what he is saying. From the beginning this book is so relatable he shares with us who the spirit is, and how to develop a relationship with him to what it means to hear the Spirit's voice. Within each chapter we find personal stories blended together with spiritual teaching, to finish out each chapter there is a think about it section that is just what it says, because the ideas and questions will have the user thinking about what they have read. Overall, this is a book filled with practical information about how to gain a Spirit Filled Life.
Are you trying your best to be a good Christian but still feel something’s missing? Do the peace and joy you long for seem to elude you? Does following Christ sometimes feel like a lot of work—or like it’s just not working very well?
Much has been written and spoken—and argued!—about the Holy Spirit and what it means to be filled with the Spirit. Charles Stanley cuts through the confusion and introduces you to a living Person as real and active as God the Father and Christ the Son. Through personal stories, biblical exploration, and insightful explanation, he will help you discover:
- who the Spirit is—and how to develop a relationship with Him
- who the Spirit isn’t—and how to avoid damaging misconceptions
- how being “filled” with the Spirit actually works
- what the Bible really teaches about spiritual “signs” such as speaking in tongues
- how the Spirit can increase your capacity for faith, hope, love, and personal transformation
- what it means to “hear” the Spirit’s voice
- how to make the most of your unique spiritual gifting to build up Christ’s body
- what happens when the Spirit’s power is unleashed in your workplace, your family life, your friendships, and every other area of your life
In The Spirit-Filled Life Charles Stanley reveals how to recognize and begin to live with the guiding presence of the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
NIV Fast Facts Bible ~ With 1000 Facts
Book Description
The NIV Fast Facts Bible is designed to creatively engage Bible readers who have a passion for finding out interesting facts about the Bible. It features unique Bible book introductions that point to fascinating details that can be found in each of the Bible's 66 books. At the end of each book is a full page of intriguing questions that will drive readers back into the text to discover the answers for themselves. Includes the complete text of the NIV, the world's bestselling modern English translation.
- Paperback: 1280 pages
- Publisher: Zondervan; Special edition (April 22, 2014)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0310432162
- ISBN-13: 978-0310432166
My review:
I always enjoy finding a new Bible but with the NIV Fast Facts Bible I was a bit disappointed. Some of the things that I liked about this Bible was the NIV translation,and it is a nice size. I enjoyed answering the questions in the Fast Fact trivia quizzes but truthfully that alone wouldn't make me pay the retail price for this Bible. The Fast Facts that introduce each book of the Bible weren't that informative, and most of it was information that I already knew.Another negative about this Bible is the small print. While I am a fan of paperback Bibles this one didn't feel sturdy, and honestly it seems overpriced, for the quality. Overall, if your looking for a paperback Bible in NIV this might be the Bible for you,but honestly for me this Bible is one of my least favorite and will probably become a shelf sitter.
A complimentary copy of this Bible was provided for review.
Monday, June 2, 2014
A Mother's Secret by Amy Clipston
Carolyn Lapp wants to marry but she wants to marry for love but at the age of 31 she is considered well past marrying age. Even though she never married she does have a fifteen year old son, and that is something her brother just can't get over, so her brother thinks she ought to marry Saul Beiler who lost his wife and now needs a mother for his daughter. When she meets Joshua Glick feelings develop but there is something he doesn't know.
Easy to connect with characters made this book a page turning read for me. While this is an Amish story Carolyn could be anyone really, and that's what I like about this series, the characters have real life issues, not Amish or English but real life. They aren't perfect, they have depth which makes them feel real. While the format of being torn between two men is sort of standard stuff and one can sort of predict where the story is going it's the getting there that makes the reading worthwhile.
A Mother's Secret is the second book in the Hearts Of The Lancaster Grand Hotel Series, but I think it could probably be read as a stand alone just because Ms. Clipston is great at filling in enough information so that a reader wouldn't feel lost, that said, it's such an interesting series that I would say readers should read both books. Fans of Amish romance will find plenty to enjoy, but the author provides enough turmoil, secrets and everyday life to make this a fast read for anyone just looking for a story that pulls you in and leaves you wanting more.
A copy of this book was provided by Booklook.com
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Heaven &Hell ~ Are They Real by Christopher Hudson
A complementary copy of this book was provided by Thomas Nelson for review.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Compass ~ The Study Bible For Navigating Your Life~
The Compass Study Bible~ A Review~ The Compass Study Bible is one that I have been using for several weeks, and I must say in the beginning it was hard for me to get used to the formatting and the way it is written,(it is sort of written like a a movie script) once I got into the format though, the Bible was brought to life in a whole new way for me! I felt like I was reading a novel of sorts instead of a Bible, which is a good thing if you have trouble understanding the Bible or get bogged down in the thee's thou's and thus's that are often a part of Bible reading! Additions to this Bible are a few reading plans that will help the user navigate the Bible including a 40 day retreat with Jesus which will allow the user to connect with Jesus, there is also a 365 days thru the whole Bible.Some other handy features include a topical guide to the notes, a topical guide to scripture, along with a few black and white maps. Overall, if your looking for a Bible that isn't just the same old same old then you might enjoy the Compass. Not my favorite, but I do like it.
Monday, January 20, 2014
The Modern Life Study Bible
- Hardcover: 1984 pages
- Publisher: Thomas Nelson (January 21, 2014)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 140167514X
- ISBN-13: 978-1401675141
My thoughts on this Bible:
This is truly an amazing study Bible filled with so many features that I almost felt overwhelmed with everything there was to offer, I did say almost! To start with I wish that the cover had been full color like the dust jacket but honestly that isn't a big deal, because the colors used inside the pages really made this a visually eye appealing Bible. I really liked the NKJV because it was easy for me to understand what I was reading. Some of the stand out features were the person and place profiles. I found myself flipping thru just to read some of the profiles of some of the many people in the Bible that I wanted to learn more about.There is an index of the person and place profiles in the back of the Bible making it easy to find the particular people I was interested in. The life studies are one page biographies that are distributed thru the text according to their relevance. They are the stories of sixty-six followers of God from all over the world from different times and all walks of life. Colorful maps make it easy to visualize the lands I was reading about. There is a list of themes to study that is something that will allow me to do an indepth study of particular topics that interest me, this is actually the first Bible that I have found a list of themes included. There are several blank pages included for study notes, and the presentation page makes this a great gift. I found this Bible very helpful in so many ways, the focus articles allow the user to explore the scripture in depth and really provides fuel for thought about how the scripture might pertain to us today. Some of my favorite focus articles were found in the book of Psalms, including hope for the heartbroken, and the benefits of obedience. I think this would be a wonderful Bible for a new Christian, but also would be quite helpful for anyone who is looking to increase their bond with the heavenly father.
Synopsis of The Modern Life Study Bible:
As members of the modern age, we sometimes feel disconnected from the world of the Bible. But if we look closely, we can see that although cultures change, our basic challenges stay the same. We still struggle with issues like community, justice, economic stress, political tensions, and cultural and ethnic differences. We still wonder who God is, how to discern His will, and how we fit into His plan.
Using historical context and fresh insights backed by biblical scholars, The Modern Life Study Bible explores the timeless truths that connect the people and stories of the Bible to the opportunities and demands we face today. God is at work in our world, inviting us to experience His presence.
With innovative, full-color illustrations, maps, and diagrams, along with special information on occupations of the Bible, profiles of people and places, theme indexes, and inspirational biographies of believers who put their faith to work, The Modern Life Study Bible will draw you in, helping you to know and embrace what it means to follow Christ in today’s world.
Features include:
- More than 2,400 concise articles and book introductions
- More than 220 full-color maps
- Hundreds of diagrams, tables, and illustrations
- 66 inspirational biographies
- Indexes to aid navigation and study
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