"An Amish Wedding" is a collection of three short stories written by three very popular Amish writers, Beth Wiseman, Kathleen Fuller, and Kelly Long. Most of the books that I have read that contained stories from three different writers usually don't connect but with this one the authors weave their stories together.
"A Perfect Secret' by Kelly Long is the first story and the main characters are 19 year old Rose Bender and 23 year old Luke Lantz. Luke and Rose have been friends for years so when he proposes marriage in a calm manner, she is a bit disappointed after all she hoped for a bit of romance, but Luke's idea that their marriage be based on friendship and beneficial to both families makes sense so she accepts. While she believes she knows everything their is to know about Luke she soon learns differently.
"A Perfect Match" by Kathleen Fuller is the story of Naomi King and Zeke. Naomi has always been a successful matchmaker for her friends and family. Even at the age of twenty-five she hadn't ever felt pressure from her friends or family to marry, after all her life was full and satisfying. When her friend Margaret asks for help in finding a beau, she decides to try and make a match between Margaret and Zeke Lapp who has come to town for his cousin Chester's wedding. Of course things really never go as planned, will she be able to pair Margaret and Zeke together or does God have other ideas?
"A Perfect Plan" by Beth Wiseman is the story of Pricilla King and Chester Lapp. As their wedding day approaches things seem to keep going wrong,is it a sign from God that they should call the wedding off?
I always enjoy reading short stories and this book was no different. The one thing that I really liked was the fact that the characters intertwined in the stories, allowing the plot to connect even though each story was written by a different author. I think fans of Amish fiction will certainly enjoy this book, and for someone that has never read any of the Amish authors featured it is certainly a nice way to sample their work. Another great thing about reading a book like this is that it is easy to pick up and put down,although I found myself reading it in a few sittings. For me my favorite story had to be " A Perfect Secret" by Kelly Long, but overall each story was great!
This book was provided by Booksneeze in exchange for an honest review.