Book review for "Waking Hours":
I haven't ever heard of Lis Wiehl but when I saw this book on Booksneeze I decided to give her writing a try. I thought the cover was quite eye catching and hoped the book inside was just as good. Well I think I am hooked on her writing. This book really captured my attention. I loved the fast paced style of writing.The murder of a teen girl sends shock waves thru the community of East Salem, New York. Whats worse is it looks like a ritual killing and the only suspect is another teen. But are things really what they seem?
This book really had me on the edge of my seat. There were plenty of twists and turns and it wasn't easy to figure out who the killer was. I am not a huge fan of paranormal but the paranormal/supernatural flavor of this story wasn't bad at all, and I am thinking I am going to give paranormal christian fiction a look. The ending wrapped up the story pretty well, but did leave a couple of loose ends, which has me hooked wanting the next book in the series.
If your new to Lis Wiehl's writing like I was then I suggest picking up this book. Its the first book in the East Salem series and its a great way to get a feel for this author's writing. I for one will be watching for the next book in this series.
*Complimentary copy provided in exchange for an honest review*