"A Reluctant Queen," is the fictionalized book about Queen Esther from the Bible. Because I had never read Biblical fiction I wasn't sure how well I would enjoy this story but decided to try it anyway.
For a fictionalized historical love story it wasn't bad, but for me I think I was expecting it to be a bit more Biblically accurate. Other than that it was a pretty interesting story. The author really pulls you into the timeperiod of the story, I liked the descriptions of the area and clothing worn at that time as well as learning some of the customs, and how it might have been for a young girl to have lived during that time period.
If your looking for a historical romance that is loosely based on the Bible then you should certainly pick up this book. I for one really enjoyed it and look forward to reading my next Biblical fiction story.
Book provided by Booksneeze in exchange for an honest review.